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Effective, Healing Restorative Dentistry in San Antonio, TX

James W Brown DDS provides professional restorative dentistry in San Antonio, TX. Our restorative procedures focus on repairing the health and function of the teeth and gums. Our dentists repair damage and replace missing teeth to restore the function and appearance of your smile. Restorative treatments include standard procedures such as fillings, root canals, and crowns to improve the bite and eliminate pain. We utilize the latest dental practices and up-to-date technology to provide our patients with the best care possible. We’ll improve your ability to talk, eat, and smile. We save teeth whenever possible by filling cavities, saving infected roots, and replacing missing teeth.

elderly couple smiling

We Offer a Wide Variety of Dental Treatments

Our restorative dental treatments cover a wide range of oral health issues. These treatments help prevent future damage and restore your teeth and gums to optimal health. When a large cavity threatens the health of a tooth, we apply an inlay or an onlay to restore damaged teeth and prevent the cavity from spreading. An inlay is a solid piece that fills the cavity, while an onlay fits over the tooth’s cusp to cover and replace exposed portions of the tooth. We offer a variety of effective restorative treatments, including:

Repairing, Restoring, or Replacing Smiles

We can replace missing teeth with prosthetics for single missing teeth, multiple missing teeth, or complete smiles. Dental implants anchor to the jawbone to stimulate the bone and prevent decay. They look and feel like natural teeth and don’t require special cleaning. We also offer natural-looking dentures, partials, and bridges. These prosthetics replace gaps with artificial teeth to help prevent decay and disease. Unlike implants, these prosthetics are removable with an acrylic base. Our dentists can restore your smile to its normal function and appearance. By restoring the shape and functionality of your smile, we can reverse the progression of oral health complications to preserve your best smile.

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