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Dr. James W. Brown

Dr. James W. Brown

Dr. James W. Brown boasts an impressive 42-year tenure in the field of dentistry. Hailing from Cleveland, Ohio, he proudly graduated from Fisk University and later earned his dentistry degree from the distinguished Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry. Following his dental education, Dr. Brown embarked on a remarkable journey by joining the United States Navy in 1981 as a Dental Officer.

Post his Navy service, Dr. Brown extended his dental expertise to Memphis, TN, where he practiced for a number of years before eventually relocating to San Antonio. Since his arrival in 1990, he has been dedicated to tending to the dental needs of the East side of San Antonio. Driven by his commitment to the community, he assumed the role of Dental Director at Ella Austin Health Center from 1990 to 1995. His professional journey continued with a practice at Windsor Park Mall from 1995 to 1998, followed by a venture into the Dellcrest Shopping Plaza from 1998 to 2009. His relentless dedication culminated in the establishment of his very own office building.

Throughout his years in San Antonio, Dr. Brown made valuable contributions as an adjunct faculty member at the U.T.H.S.C. Dental School, specifically within the Department of Community Dentistry.

With an unwavering vision for revitalizing the East side, Dr. Brown embarked on a transformative project—erecting a state-of-the-art dental office and art gallery at 3030 Rigsby. This visionary space, inaugurated on July 30, 2010, not only caters to his patients’ dental care needs but also serves as a testament to his enduring commitment.

Beyond his dental proficiency, Dr. Brown showcases another facet of his talent as a gifted artist. His dedication to his craft is matched only by his dedication to his family. He is happily married to Stephanie R. Brown, who holds the esteemed position of Assistant Chief Public Defender in Atascosa County. Together, they share a loving family including their accomplished daughter, Portia Clark, who holds an executive role at Google. Portia’s husband, Chaz Clark, is a valued member of the family, as is their granddaughter, Josephine.

With over three decades of dedicated service to the community, Dr. Brown’s legacy remains firmly rooted in the well-being of his patients and his passion for artistry.

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