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Our Comprehensive Family Dental Clinic in San Antonio, TX

James W Brown DDS provides comprehensive dental services from their family dental clinic in San Antonio, TX. Our goal is to help patients smile with confidence. We work as a team to help every patient receive the compassionate dental care they need. Our dentist conducts procedures and treatments to help patients achieve healthy teeth that look and feel good. We follow up-to-date practices and utilize the latest dental technology to provide the best possible care at an affordable price. Our clinic offers patients and families personalized treatment plans to maintain and restore bright, healthy smiles.

Meet Our Compassionate Dentist and Friendly Staff

Our friendly office staff prioritizes the needs of our patients. We do our best to ensure patient comfort and safety. Our friendly assistants, dental hygienists, and dentists work together to provide quality dental care and help patients achieve a beautiful and functional smile. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff is available to provide the reassurance and attentiveness you deserve. We continually strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for our patients. Our dental services are accommodating, comfortable and convenient to alleviate dental anxiety and help patients feel at ease. Get to know more about our dental clinic below:

Meet the Doctor
Meet the Team

Personalized Care for Individuals and Families

The friendly team members at our professional dental clinic take the time to get to know each of our patients. We greet everyone who walks through our door with a friendly, welcoming smile. We have accommodations for families and anxious individuals to help everyone have a good experience with us. Our dentist, Dr. James W Brown, DDS, is an expert in his field. He enjoys helping his patients achieve the smiles they’ve always wanted. Our clinic uses the latest dental technologies, practices, and procedures to prevent, treat, and manage oral conditions. We promote fast healing and restore optimal oral health to help families and individuals smile confidently.

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