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Accepting New Patients in San Antonio, TX

James W Brown DDS is accepting new patients in San Antonio, TX. Please schedule an appointment with us for quality, affordable dental care, including bi-annual checkups, treatment, and teeth cleaning. We offer personalized treatment plans for individuals and families based on their unique needs and goals. We utilize all the latest practices, technology, and techniques to provide the best possible care. Our friendly and compassionate staff do their best to help patients feel at ease in a warm and comfortable environment. We take the time to know you and your family and welcome you with a smile. Our dental clinic offers prompt and professional dental service.

lady in dental chair smiling

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

To join us as a new patient, contact our clinic to schedule an appointment. You’ll need to fill out new patient forms and provide information about your insurance or financing options. The first appointment builds the foundation for your dental treatment plan. During your appointment, our dentist will review your information and answer any questions you may have. We’ll provide you with a professional examination and review the treatment options available. The dental exam includes X-rays to detect unseen issues and capture the big picture. We’ll examine your teeth, mouth, and gums to determine what care you need. For more information and resources for new patients, see the following:

Begin Your Oral Health Journey

Our dentists are here to guide you through your oral health journey. We’ll provide you with the treatment you need and offer guidance to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. We’ll always let you know what we find and how we can treat it. Our clinic provides transparent, individualized care focused on meeting the needs and goals of each patient. We work to create a comfortable environment and help our patients have a good experience with us. Our staff members are welcoming, compassionate, and professional. We accept most insurance and offer select payment plans for eligible patients. Our friendly and knowledgeable team can answer your questions and address any concerns. Contact us to schedule your first appointment.

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