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Improving Smiles With Cosmetic Dentistry in San Antonio, TX

In addition to preventative and restorative care, James W Brown DDS provides comprehensive cosmetic dentistry in San Antonio, TX. Our cosmetic dental services improve smile aesthetics and appearance. We can whiten your teeth, conceal chips or cracks, and change the shape of your smile. Our dentists can make your teeth brighter and more symmetrical to help you feel happy with your smile. Improving teeth aesthetics and beautifying your smile can boost your confidence. We aim to help every patient gain a comfortable, confident smile that looks and feels good. Our dentists will help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

lady smiling

Repair Imperfections With a Smile Makeover

Before undergoing cosmetic procedures, patients must take care of their oral health and complete any necessary restorative procedures. Cosmetic dentistry improves the appearance of your smile but doesn’t address underlying oral health concerns. Patients looking to improve the appearance of their smile should begin with healthy teeth and gums to ensure long-term results. Having a brighter smile helps you look younger. Our dentists can improve the appearance of your smile by removing stains, covering cracks, and adjusting the shape of your teeth. Our comprehensive cosmetic dental treatments include the following:

Whitening, Bonding, and Veneers

Patients who want to start fresh with a brighter smile can achieve lighter teeth through our professional whitening services. Professional whitening is faster and more effective than over-the-counter whitening solutions. We safely lighten stains using a precise bleaching solution to improve the appearance of your smile. We can also adjust the shape of your teeth to help them appear more uniform. Teeth that are cracked, discolored, or decayed can look shiny and new again with dental bonding. Bonding involves applying a tooth-colored composite resin to cover and repair the damage. Veneers are another solution that covers imperfections using a thin, porcelain shell. The veneers attach to the teeth to cover chips, cracks, or discoloration.

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